Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I recently wrote a post about being a tourist again in your new country, which a gremlin seems to have eaten. Which is a pity really, as if I have to rewrite it I'm not sure I can work-up the same fervour I had after we had shown some guests around our Italian world a few weeks ago. We had to listen to them saying it's beautiful its bella and fantastico so often, it reminded us we were like that too not so long ago, and we wanted to return to that state:
Heres some of the things we found bella:
The lakes above Como, Cortona,Tuscan villages, seafood , real pasta, the boatman handling the ropes at our stops on the tragetto, and putting out the little metal bridge for us, and saying"attenti piede" a million times without seeming bored. The laverello served on lake Como. The shops, a fashion lovers dream. The gelato, even Milano has great gelato. You have to try-if you can find it, fondente, real dark chocolate icecream! now that is trully Bello!.

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Como the beautiful

Como the beautiful
walk near the lake

Hidden Italy, the places we visit regularly from Tuscany to the lake district above Como.

When I became a resident in Italy in 2001, I already knew how visitors liked to praise her places, food and art.
I had visited many times as a visitor myself, and been enchanted.
This site is rather designed to show the hidden Italy, the real Italy experienced by it's residents.
The events of the year, from registering as a resident, to celebrating Christmas, Easter and many other festivals, buying a house, working, banking, and still enjoying its beauty, are to be found here.

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expresso machine

expresso machine
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click on picture to glimpse Roses lime

my mother

my mother
my mother's pizza tuscany


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My favourite writings on Italy

  • Italian Education/Cara Massimina Tim Parks
  • Where angles fear to tread E.M. Forster ISBN0140180885
  • A small place in Italy ISBN0330338188
  • D.H.Lawrence and Italy ISBN 0140095209
  • The Italians by Luigi Barzini Touchstone books ISBN 068482500

